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Weekday Morning Eucharist


Thursday Morning

10am - 11am followed by Tea/Coffee and chat.

The Eucharist is a service of prayer & worship which focuses upon Christ's sacrifice, resurrection & ascension (return to Heaven) which we mark /celebrate as our means of salvation won for us by Jesus.

This kind of Service is sometimes called the Mass, the Lord's Supper or the Lord's Table. At All Saints we tend to use the word Eucharist.

Our Weekday Eucharist is a "said" service meaning there is no music or singing.

Holy Communion is available to any who are baptised. A shared chalice is available to anyone who wishes to partake. This is volunatary and communion may be taken in the form of wafer only.

Should you not wish to recieve Communion, our clergy would be most happy to give you Our Lord's Blessing +


God Bless + Fr Stephen Burdett and Mthr Phyllis Owen


Sunday February 16th

All Saints Church, once again, warmly welcomes 

Bishop Adam, Bishop of Bradwell 

to celebrate The Eucharist with us 

this coming Sunday.


All are welcome to join us



Following the service at 11.30, Verna from The Southend Museums will give a talk on the history of

Prittlewell Priory.


Her talks are always very interesting and enjoyable and we encourage as many as wish to, to join us.

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