Ash Wednesday Eucharist
Including imposition of ashes
Wednesday February 14th 2024
For those who are unable to attend our service on Wednesday, imposition of ashes will also be performed during our Sunday service on February 18th
The Eucharist is a service of prayer & worship which focuses upon Christ's sacrifice, resurrection & ascension (return to Heaven) which we mark /celebrate as our means of salvation won for us by Jesus.
This kind of Service is sometimes called the Mass, the Lord's Supper or the Lord's Table. At All Saints we tend to use the word Eucharist.
This service includes the imposition of ashes where the sign of the cross is marked on your forehead in ash.
Holy Communion is available to any who are baptised. Should you not wish to recieve Communion, our clergy would be most happy to give you Our Lord's Blessing +
God Bless+ Fr Neil Paxton